Your subscription to a SimpleCloud plan includes access to a range of virtual workstations, which can vary depending on your plan. 

The specifications of the virtual workstation computers are:

x200616GBTesla V100-1GB vRAM
x400832GBTesla V100-2GB vRAM
x8001264GBTesla V100-4GB vRAM
x16001664GBTesla V100-8GB vRAM
X32002464GBTesla V100-16GB vRAM

The series specifications are updated periodically. The updates improve the performance of your chosen series, so when they happen, the specifications of your virtual workstation may be greater than shown here.

You can choose which virtual workstations are available to your users when you create a workstation profile or edit a workstation profile.

Each workstation profile has an Available Resources section. It lists the virtual workstations in your plan, and you can choose whether to include them or exclude them. When you set up your workstation profiles, you should consider what tasks the users of that workstation profile need to perform, and then allocate your resources accordingly.

Workstation profile. The Available Resources settings are selected, revealing a list of virtual workstations in the plan. Each workstation has a checkbox for including it or excluding it.