Every user on a project has a member role that defines what they can do on that project. For example, a user with the developer role can access the API whereas an artist cannot.

The member roles on a project are:

  • Supervisor - for users who assign tasks and manage the project
  • Line producer - for users who edit the pipeline workflow (only available if the project uses a pipeline)
  • Developer - for users who need to access the API
  • Artist - If the user is not a supervisor, line producer, or developer, they are an artist, by default. These users can use the project's workstations to contribute, but they cannot perform any management tasks or access the API.

When you view a project list, the members in that project are shown. Each user's entry has colored bars at the end, and these colors indicate the user's member roles.

Colors for member roles in a project

ColorColor nameMember role


CyanLine producer


Salmon pinkStudio owner

You can assign member roles when: