If you no longer need a particular render farm, you can delete it from SimpleCloud. This will completely remove the render farm and its associations with any projects.

To delete a render farm:

  1. Log on as a studio owner or studio manager.
  2. Select Studio.
  3. Select your studio and then select Manage Studio.

    Studio list showing a selected studio and its manage studio option.

  4. Select Processing.

    Studio overview, with callout pointing to Processing option in menu.
    SimpleCloud displays a list of the render farms.

    Render farm list
  5. Select the render farm you want to delete. SimpleCloud reveals the render farm's settings.
  6. Select the arrow button next to Update and then select Delete from the menu.

    Select Delete in the menu for the render farm
  7. At the prompt, choose when you want the deletion to take place. Before you make a choice, use the Deadline Monitor software on a workstation to find out what jobs and tasks, if any, have been completed or are in process.
    • Proceed when the active tasks of the job in progress have been completed

      The deletion will take place when the render farm has completed any active tasks. Active tasks are those that the render farm has already started.

    • Proceed when the active job in progress has been completed

      The deletion will take place when the render farm has completed any active jobs. Active jobs are those that the render farm has already started. So all tasks in the job will be completed before the deletion happens, even if some of those tasks have not yet been started.

    • Proceed immediately, losing the progress of jobs and tasks in progress

      The deletion will take place immediately. Any progress that has been made on active jobs and tasks will be lost.

  8. Enter YES in capital letters to confirm and then select Accept. The deletion will take place at the appropriate time, based on your selection in the previous step. The render farm will be in the delete pending state while waiting to be deleted.