When you add a volume for pipeline storage, the system will automatically create a folder for the project and inside that, three hidden subfolders: 

  • PUBLISH is the main data repository, and this only exists on the main site of the studio.

  • WORK is used to store "work in progress" files. This is local to the site from where the user is connected.

    The work in progress files are only sent to the main site when there is a publication request. Each task/asset/user creates its own folders to classify the work in progress files, so that previous versions of the files can be recovered, if needed.

  • PACKAGE is used to store metadata for all of the files. This folder is synchronized with all of the sites that are enabled for the studio. This allows the pipeline tool to read the dependencies between the files and cache content between sites when a new task is started.

Typically, there is no need for users to be aware of these folders. They will use the pipeline tool to save and publish their files, and then the pipeline tool will make sure the files follow the correct naming conventions and store them in the appropriate folder.

But it is possible to access the folders directly, if needed. For that, use Windows PowerShell and enter the required syntax:

 "explorer <drive letter>:\<folder>"

for example:


"explorer E:\WORK"

The drive letter is set in the project's Pipeline Storage settings.