Create a discipline for each area of specialism in your workflow. This can vary, depending on how your studio operates, but a common approach is to create a discipline for step of your project, for example, shading, modeling, camera rigging, etc.

To add a new discipline to a Disciplines flowchart:

  1. Display the Disciplines flowchart.

    From the Dashboard, select the project that contains the Disciplines flowchart. Then select the Pipeline option in the header menu to display the pipeline flowchart. Select the Disciplines flowchart tab.

    You can only display the Disciplines flowchart if your Entity types flowchart has been set up to contain entities. (You cannot add a discipline unless there are entities available).

  2. Select the plus + button to display a dialog that you can use to create a new discipline.

    Blank discipline flowchart. Callout arrow points to plus button in bottom corner.
    Settings for creating a new discipline.
  3. Enter a Discipline Name. For example, you might want a discipline for the shading specialists, and so you would name it Shading.
  4. Enter a Codename for the discipline or use the one that SimpleCloud generates automatically. This is a unique identifier for the discipline, and once it has been created, you cannot change it.
  5. Select the Entity type. This is the entity that the discipline is associated with. For example, you could associate a Shading discipline with an Asset entity.
  6. If the discipline you are creating is going to be the "child" in a "parent-child" relationship, select a Parent Discipline. In a parent-child relationship, the parent discipline can access its own inputs and outputs and also those of the child discipline. To find out more, see Parent and child disciplines.

    Select No parent if the new discipline is not dependent on another discipline.

  7. Select Accept.

    New discipline dialog with settings in place.
    SimpleCloud creates the new discipline and adds a box for it on the Disciplines flowchart.

  8. When you have set up the discipline, create the components that are needed for the discipline. For details, see Create a component for a discipline

You can then edit the discipline and use its Expressions settings to define choices. For example, you can set the discipline  to load one component, and if that component is unavailable, load an alternative component instead.  Or you can specify an order for loading the components. To learn about the expressions, see Expressions for Disciplines.

When the discipline is set up and has components in place, you can use the discipline's properties to change the:

  • Discipline details, such as name and parent discipline
  • Color of the discipline on the flowchart
  • Properties of the components used or produced by the discipline
  • Expressions for the discipline.

To learn about editing a discipline, see Change a discipline's properties.