If you no longer need a record in your SimpleCloud DAM, you can delete it. For example, you may have a record that has been created manually and is not needed, or is a duplicate of another record.
But it's important to understand that if you are using an external DAM as well, the synchronization process may restore records that you have deleted in SimpleCloud. This is because the external DAM's data takes precedence, so if a record exists there, it will be updated in SimpleCloud. If it no longer exists in SimpleCloud, the synchronization process will recreate it. To prevent this from happening, delete the record in the external DAM too.
To remove a record from the SimpleCloud DAM:
- Display the SimpleCloud DAM.
From the Dashboard, select the relevant project. Then select the DAM option in the header menu to display the SimpleCloud DAM. - Select the appropriate tab. For example, to delete a record for an asset, select the Assets tab.
- Find the record that you want to change, and then select its delete button (trash). This is in the Actions column.
- Select Delete to confirm you want to remove the record.