Pipeline Flowcharts
An entity flowchart is a high-level overview of your workflow and the things that your project will produce. It is similar to the schema that is used in var...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 1:20 PM
You can change the size of the background area or "canvas" of the flowcharts. This is useful when you: Need more space Have too much space and ...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:40 AM
The pipeline flowcharts have a grid feature that you can turn on and off. The grid is useful when you are adding content to the flowchart and need to align ...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:40 AM
Your pipeline's Entity Types Flowchart is where you categorize the types of content your project will produce. You do this by: Adding an entity for...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 1:22 PM
We recommend that you give each of your entities a unique color, so that it is easy to differentiate between them on the Entity Flowchart Pipeline tab. The ...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:40 AM
Each entity in the pipeline entity flowchart has a status that relates to the workflow. For example, a shot could have an "approved" status to let...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:40 AM
To download your pipeline flowchart as an image file: Log in to SimpleCloud as a studio owner or manager. On the Dashboard, select the project that ha...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:41 AM
When you are working with flowcharts, you may need to zoom out so that you can see a larger area of the flowchart. Doing this scales down the text, making i...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:41 AM
You can download a flowchart as a JSON file. This is useful if you want to: Backup a pipeline flowchart Copy a pipeline flowchart and import it into anot...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:41 AM
To view the JSON source code for a pipeline flowchart: Log in to SimpleCloud as a studio owner or manager. On the Dashboard, select the project that h...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 11:41 AM