Use workstation profiles to provide access to the virtual computers included in your SimpleCloud plan. Each workstation profile includes information about:
- The computers your team can use
- The software that is available on those computers
- Whether the computers have Internet access
- License sharing
- How many users can log on simultaneously before a limit is reached.
- The availability of the computers at different times.
Typically, organizations have one workstation profile for each team that needs access to the virtual computers included in a SimpleCloud plan. But this is not a requirement - you could set up workstation profiles for different groups of users who all work in the same team, for example.
What do you want to do?
- Set up a new workstation profile, see Create a workstation profile
- View a list of the workstation profiles already set up in your SimpleCloud, see Workstation profiles list.
- Make changes to an existing workstation profile, see Edit a workstation profile.
When editing, you can add and remove software and licenses, control internet access, and set simultaneous session timeouts. You can also enable, disable, and duplicate a workstation profile. - Delete a render farm.
Need to log out another user? See Log another user off a workstation. You can also Send a message to another user.