If you have a studio schedule that you are certain you do not need anymore, you can remove it completely from SimpleCloud.

If you are new to using studio schedules, we recommend that you refer to Schedule access to a studio before you delete a studio schedule.

To delete a studio schedule:

  1. Log on as a studio owner or studio manager. Only these types of user have the permission to set studio schedules.
  2. Select Studio.
  3. Select your studio and then select Manage Studio.

    Studio list. A studio is selected, revealing its Manage Studio button.

  4. Select Settings.
  5. Scroll down to the Studio Schedule section.

    Studio Schedule section.

  6. Select the studio you want to delete.
  7. Select the arrow icon next to the Update button to reveal a menu.

    Studio schedule grid. The arrow icon is selected revealing a menu.

  8. Select Delete.
  9. Enter YES to confirm you want to delete the schedule.
  10. Select Accept.

    SimpleCloud removes the schedule from your studio.