As a studio owner or manager, you can control whether "regular" users, such as artists, can access the internet from your studio's workstations. You allow or deny the internet access permissions in the user profile.

Note that when you allow/deny internet access from the user's profile, it applies to that user for all workstations in your studio. The workstations also have their own internet access options, so a user can only use a workstation to access the internet if:

  • The user has permission to access the internet on workstations (in user settings)


To control whether a user can access the internet from your studio workstations:

  1. Log in using a Studio Owner or a Studio Manager account.
  2. On the Dashboard, select Studio to display the Studio page.

    Dashboard shows studio option is highlighted in the header

  3. Select the studio that you want people to join and then select Manage Studio.

    Studio list showing a studio's manage studio button
  4. Select Team to display a list of the team members that have access to your studio.

    Team members list shows all of the users in your studio
  5. Select the user you want to edit. Their entry in the list expands to reveal the settings for that user account.

    User profile settings.
  6. In the Roles section, check the Internet access from workstations box if you want the user to have internet access. Clear the box if you want to prevent the user from having internet access on any of the workstations in your studio.

    Note that if you check the box, it does not mean that the user automatically has internet access on all of your studio workstations. It means that the user can have internet access if the workstation setup also allows it (see Internet access for workstations).

  7. Select Update to apply the changes.