If you want a user to have to use a proxy server when connecting to the internet, edit their user account and give them the Web permission.

The Web special permission only works if you have configured SimpleCloud to connect with a proxy server. If you do not have the connection in place, the permission has no effect.

For instructions on setting up a proxy server for SimpleCloud connections, please contact customer support.

  1. Log in using a Studio Owner or a Studio Manager account.
  2. On the Dashboard, select Studio to display the Studio page.

    Dashboard shows studio option is highlighted in the header

  3. Select the studio and then select Manage Studio.

    Studio list showing a studio's manage studio button
  4. Select Team to display a list of the team members that have access to your studio.

    Team members list shows all of the users in your studio

  5. Select the user you want to edit. Their entry in the list expands to reveal the settings for that user account.

    User settings

  6. In the Special Permissions section, either
    • Check the Web box to force the user to connect to the internet via a proxy server
    • Clear the Web box if the user should be able to connect to the internet without using a proxy server.
  7. Select Update.