The studio list shows information about the studios you can access. This information includes a color-coded status symbol. By looking at the status, you can find out whether the studio is available and ready to use.

Studio list showing a list of the studios you can access.

The following table shows the possible statuses for a studio:

Green (solid)A solid green blockReadyThe studio is ready to use. This applies to a normal studio.
Green (stripe)
A block that has diagonal dark green and light green stripes.Ready (hybrid)The studio is ready to use.
This applies to a hybrid studio.
Red (solid)A solid red blockFailureThe studio has failed. Contact customer support for advice.
Red (stripe)A block that has diagonal dark red and light red stripes.Deletion pendingA user has set the studio to be deleted, but SimpleCloud has deleted it yet. In this state, the studio can be recovered (see Recover a studio).
Orange (stripe)A block that has diagonal dark orange and light orange stripes.InitializingThe studio is being prepared for use by SimpleCloud.
Gray (solid)A solid gray blockDisabledA user has disabled the studio. It cannot be used while it is in this state.

To find out more, see Enable a studio and Disable a studio.