In this article, you will learn how to create a new studio schedule. You can then use the schedule to control when the studio is available over a recurring seven day period. If you are new to using studio schedules, we recommend that you refer to Schedule access to a studio before you create a new studio schedule of your own.
To create a new studio schedule:
- Log on as a studio owner or studio manager. Only these types of user have the permission to set studio schedules.
- Select Studio.
- Select your studio and then select Manage Studio.
- Select Settings.
- Scroll down to the Studio Schedule section.
- Select Create a new studio. A schedule grid appears.
- Enter a name for the schedule and choose the timezone settings. The timing of the start and end of the days is based on the timezone you choose.
- On the scheduler grid, select the times that you want the studio to be available. When you select a time, a highlight box appears. Drag the highlight box to cover the period where the studio will be available. You can add many different time periods to each day if needed.
If your highlight box is not on the exact time you want, move it so that the top of the box is on the exact start time you want. Then drag the bottom of the highlight box to change the end time.
- Select Create.
Your new schedule is added to the list of studio schedules. If you have several studio schedules, SimpleCloud will attempt to use all of those that are enabled. For this reason, it is important to look at the timings in each schedule and think carefully about when the studio is going to be available.
If any of the schedules say that a studio is available, then it will be available, even if other schedules say it is unavailable.
If needed, you can disable or delete some of your schedules to avoid clashes.