When you create a studio, you add the basic information that is needed, including the name, codename, and invoicing information. But there are additional features that you can set for each studio, such as the time zone, two-step 

verification, and automatic closing of idle sessions. 

To make these additional changes, edit the studio profile:

  1. Log in to Simple Cloud.
  2. On the Dashboard, select Studio to display the studios list.

    Simple Cloud dashboard. There is a callout arrow pointing to the Studio icon.
    Studios list. It shows a list of the studios that have already been created. At the top, there is a create a new studio button.
  3. Select the name of the studio that you want to manage. Alternatively, you can select the down arrow icon at the far-right of the studio row.
  4. Select Manage studio.

    Studios list showing a studio has been selected. An extra section appears containing a Manage Studio button.

  5. Select Settings.

    Studio is selected. Callout arrow points to Settings option in header menu.
    SimpleCloud displays the studio settings.

    Studio profile settings, with sections for name, icon, invoice info, time zone, and security.
  6. Use the studio settings to make changes to the studio. You can create or change: