
Remove users from a user group
To remove a user from a user group so that they no longer inherit the permissions of the group: Log in using a Studio Owner or a Studio Manager account. ...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 12:52 PM
Special permissions for users
When you Edit a user, you can allocate special permissions to the user. The special permissions define whether the user: Can manage the Resilio sync proce...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 12:52 PM
Permission to manage the Resilio sync process
If you are using Resilio with SimpleCloud Animation, you can control which users can manage the Resilio synchronization process. You do this by editing each...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 12:54 PM
Permission to connect using bonded OpenVPN
If you want a user to connect via a bonded OpenVPN service, edit their user account and give them the VPN special permission. The VPN special permission ...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 1:07 PM
Force users to access the internet via a proxy server
If you want a user to have to use a proxy server when connecting to the internet, edit their user account and give them the Web permission. The Web speci...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 1:08 PM
Change an individual user's membership of a group
To change a user's membership of a user group, you can edit the settings of the user group or the individual's user account. Here, we explain how to...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 1:09 PM